Chicago - what to I remember. 1969 (20 years ago) ago here to stop the war. Stayed at a very old hotel, went to the Universary of Chicago, had my first encounter with the DSD then with the weatherman and racial part pf tje SDS and there and talking bombings and violence. To this little Canadian kid , it was an was an eye - opener, the real, the reality of the reality movement.1969 December, cold, wind blew the wind off Lake Michigan like hell frozen over.. Prettty goddam cold. Just on the west of Gaary, Indiane. Just on the west of Gary, Indiana, more heavy traffic tracfic and lost trucks. People driver faster now, drive faster now , I'm doing 70 in a 55 zone and behind, tailgatting me is a woman in a station with three children. I move over to the other lane and she passes me ..Back in 1977, when the old sweetheart was young. I drove 50 - 55 all the the way because it was a new car. But she can still keep up .In I passed by some cars abandoned in the fields, one in an an empty lot.
Here in Chicago the automobile by product is noticible the automobile by -product is noticicable air pollution. Although the automoble not entirely mobiles, they certainly, contribute entirely substantiallilly to it.. Not a positive aspec. . Expressways are just as busy here in the but they move faster. Expressways are just as busy here in the USA but they move faster. People .People know how to drive them. At 1:39 we crossed into Cook County , which is .we,re in March. In Chicago. In Chicago Heights state troopers pulled over a car for speeding.radar ars pay for traviiing, a tool booth - 40 cents. Interesting - there.- there's a town in iii ooiss called IIiinois several more. Pass south of Chicago, heading for Rockford. Now I'm in the midwest . Behind me is the last of the really big cities. From now on itst small cities and towns, population that thatch averages .. Traffic is heavy but it will lighten up inan hour or two until it's small town traffic and we leave the freeway for the "high way".
I also has the "oasis' rest area which whice provides travellers with a gas station and and of which used to be independant , now are MacDonalds, Wendy's or Popeye's Chicken.. The interesting thing about these is that they are an overpass the highway so people can sit in restaurents and watch the traffic pass under them.. How's that for a car society. Interesting - point have very little thouts of Toronto or people of the place I'm livving behind . Like it never existed about where I was going... like a kid on a trip ,Finally, about forty or fifty miles out of Chicago, fields with Rockford, about a mile. I was here 1with Wayne Dupious in the old Mustang, old 68 Mustang..Yeah,, that's where because we wanted to. We could drive all night and did several times that trip. Funny how you had all the energy those days. Remember Northern Lights between between Edmonton and Saskatoon, even over over the Mustang. Also came by here 81 headed up to Madison where I bought t-shirts at the the Univerersity bookstore for Carole's kids. University towns are al ays interesting, mostly safe and have neat places with cheap places on Campus like the time my Camaro and went to Berkeley and we stayed there with Carole..